Monday, February 27, 2012

Surf Coast Shire wasting $43,000?

At all recent Council information sessions, the Juror's recommendations were never shown to the community. Only the Council's 'paving' plan was displayed. Residents were not made aware there were other recommendations.

After repeated requests, council has finally posted the Citizen's Plan, on 28.2.12 - nearly TWO MONTHS after the scheme was advised.
Not only that, how would anyone KNOW this information had been posted? Quietly, online, and unannounced to all effected parties.

Why did Council spend $43,000 on a 'Citizen's Jury' and then refuse to disclose the recommendations of residents and consulting experts?
Why did council keep this VITAL information from residents?
Why is council ignoring the recommendations?

DEADLINE for Objections 9 March

If you have not objected yet, please do so pronto.
Fill in a form at the bottom shops, AND write a letter of objection to council.
The deadline approaches!
This may not be the last Special Rate you are charged. they are becoming more prevalent than we ever knew.

Monday, February 20, 2012

When councils borrow...

Here are some interesting articles which go to the notion that councils are not infallible.
In fact, decisions by some councils have killed their towns with debt.
We remember many councils making bad investments with ratepayer's funds in the 80s and 90s, losing fortunes.
Why is the Surf Coast Shire levying Aireys Inlet properties over $10,000 a block for unwanted road paving paths and drains, while it happily paid $15 million for its own new Shire offices?
Ratepayer's rates are used as security for the loan that paid for these new Shire offices. The banks are sure they will be repaid, by ratepayers.
Where is the responsibility to provide for we constituents first?
Why is the Surf Coast Shire so insistent that $1.6 million in (unnecessary) works is done and paid for by a forced levy instead of by our rates?
Makes you wonder.
This is how bad it can get..... Read on, it's scary:

In Alabama, a County That Fell Off the Financial Cliff
Jefferson County, Alabama, is drowning under $4 billion in debt, the result of a botched sewer project and corrupt business dealings.

Looting Main Street

Jefferson County, Alabama - Screwed by Wall Street - Files for Bankruptcy
The city was roped into a series of deadly swap deals by a number of banks, most notably JP Morgan Chase, that left the county billions of dollars in debt.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


With no advice to residents at all, The Surf Coast Shire has quietly posted to its website a new version of its map of Precinct 2.
And it's changed AGAIN!
River Road disappears again, and more go from Luggs and Boundary Rds.
This is the 4th version of the delineation of the affected area circulated since council began this project.
Council make it extremely difficult to have confidence in their capacities regarding this entire scheme, when information is quietly and so often changed, numbers remain inconsistent, mistakes abound.


After much agitation, residents have achieved an extension on this outrageous deadline for objections. You should have received advice of this by now.
The cut off is now 9 March.
If you have not objected please do so in writing asap.

Add your objection to the growing groundswell by writing to your councillor.
and importantly: please mention your wish to speak at a Hearing.
If you do this, a hearing will be held. if you do not do this, 
many who want to be heard will not be given the chance..

 Mr Sunil Bhalla
c/- Surf Coast Shire
PO BOX 350 TORQUAY 3228 by NOW MARCH 9th

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We've saved the Pub, now save the residents!

The Surf Coast Shire is hell-bent on levying a diabolical 'Special Rate' scheme to force Aireys Inlet residents to come up with $3000, $10,000, $20,000 and even $48000 in one case for sealing roads that residents do not want.
Apart from the environmental insensitivity of the whole idea, how can anyone ever budget again if councils decide to use this mechanism to get money?
Will councils become as addicted to this way of fund-raising as other governments are to Pokies revenue?
How could council afford to spend $15 million on its own new office building, but not afford to do any road maintenance works?
Special Rate Schemes MUST be challenged.